Area Attractions/Links

The Escanaba Harbor, Aronson Island and park, are a highlight to your visit to the Escanba area. Visit our Sand point lighthouse, or Historical Museum or the historic House of Ludington while in the area as well.

The Island Resort and Casino is a 20 minute drive from the house, featuring concerts, 5 restaraunts, spa, and of course gambling.

There are many fishing charters available in the area, here are a few suggestions:

There is no shortage of golf courses in the Escanba area:
Escanaba Country Club - https://www.escanabacc.com/
Sweetgrass Golf Club - https://islandresortgolf.com/
Terrace Bluff Golf Club - https://terracebluff.com/
Highland Golf Course - https://www.highlandgolfclub.net/
Woody's Run - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Woodys-Run-Inc/120285091319955
Irish Oaks Golf Course - https://www.irishoaksgolf.com/

There are many dining experiences available in Escanaba, here are a few suggestions:
Fine Dining:
The Stonehouse - http://www.stonehouseescanaba.com/
Pacinos- https://pacinosfoodandspirits.com/
Freshwater Tavern- https://www.freshwatertavern.com/
The Log Cabin- https://www.facebook.com/Log-Cabin-On-The-Bay-Grill-and-Bar-1463698750543832/
Hereford & Hops-http://herefordandhops.com/
Familiy Dining:
Breezy point-https://www.facebook.com/Breezy-Point-1526902197584766/
Ford River Pub-https://www.facebook.com/fordriverpub/
Mo's Pub-https://mospub.net/
Ludington Grill-https://www.ludingtongrill.com/
Buck Inn- n/a 6696 US hwy 2, 41 & M 35
Swedish Pantry-https://swedishpantry.com/
Hong Kong Buffet-https://www.facebook.com/eskyhkb